It's pretty hard to believe that Sawyer is now 3 months old. Everything people told us about the three month mark is true - it really is a turning point. When you are up 20 hours a day with a screaming newborn, it is hard to imagine that the stage will ever pass. We finally made it past the newborn hump. He has discovered his hands, enjoys putting everything into his mouth, and is rolling over from his belly to his back!
One thing remains the same though. That boy is ALL Mitchell.
It's pretty cute to see the two of them together. There's something special about a father, son relationship. I just know as soon as he's old enough they'll be out fishing, building forts together and playing pranks on Mom.
He is holding his head up well enough now to be able to sit in his Bumbo chair, which I like for two reasons. One, he looks adorable in it and two, it's a fun word to say.
Kali is still wonderful with him and enjoys licking his face on a regular basis. Fortunately, he doesn't seem to notice and if he does, he certainly doesn't care!
Sawyer and Jacey are a pretty cute little pair as well.
Jacey likes to pet Sawyer's head. Sawyer is not sure quite yet how he feels about that.
There are a few things we just love about our little guy.
His pouty face (which we have come to appreciate now that it is not the only face he makes).
The way he loves his Daddy, and watches him walk around the room when I'm holding him.
Rosy cheeks after evening walks.
Big, gummy, grins!
Chubby little hands.
But, there is STILL nothing cuter that babies in bathtubs!
- Mama, out.