Lately I've been wondering if during the late part of your pregnancy, your body starts trying to prepare you for what it will be like to mother a newborn on 4 hours of sleep.
All I know is that my days of sleeping through the night are long gone - and I miss them dearly.
I can usually sleep through until about 2 am, but then I am up for 10 minutes, ever hour in an endless cycle of sleep, pee, sleep, roll to right side, sleep, pee, sleep, roll to left side, sleep, pee, sleep, lay on back, WAIT SLEEPING ON YOUR BACK IS BAD, roll to right side etc, etc, etc.
I really hope this is just a stage, because waking up and feeling rested would be GREAT. However, a part of me thinks this may be the kind of stage that lasts until the kid is 18 and off to university. Awesome.