While we have not posted in forever, I can assure you not much has changed!
I will be "full term" on Wednesday, which basically means baby could make his grand entrance at any point. At first, 9 months seems like forever to have to wait but now it feels like the end is barrelling towards us at full speed! Everyone (including myself) seems to think he will come a little bit early. Because there hasn't been a baby update in a while, here's the "Coles Notes" version":
- Baby has definitely dropped. At my last appointment the midwife said she could barely put her fingers around his head because he's so low. The plus to this, is there is really no way he could turn and present breach at this point because he's so wedged in there!
- I generally have Braxton Hicks contractions anywhere from 10-20 minutes apart all day long from the time I get up in the morning, until I can settle them down with a bath after work. They are definitely getting stronger as well!
- My belly touches the steering wheel when I drive now.
- They say you get the urge to "nest" right before the baby is born. TOTALLY true. This weekend, I dusted! I don't think I've ever dusted in my life but suddenly things can't be clean enough.
- I'm not the only one nesting. Mitchell bought a fire extinguisher on the weekend, and Kali was caught trying to dig a nest under the stairs in the basement....through the concrete.
- My last day of work is November 10th. That is 10 more days. 10...more...days. 10 days has never seemed so long. However, I know I would go absolutely stir crazy if I were on mat leave right now. I would so much rather be at work where I'm distracted!
- The other night, Mitch and I both had dreams the baby was born. In my dream, he was born in my sleep and I didn't even realize until I woke up (if only it were that easy). In Mitchell's dream, I had a 20 minute labour and gave birth to a puppy.
While I'm not technically "due" for another few weeks, I think November 11th will be the day. There are two things that they say can bring on labour - full moons, and storms (because of their effects on gravitational force and barometric pressure). Well, November 10th is the full moon, and November 12th is supposed to be a storm. And MY predicted due date is right smack dab in the middle of the two. Plus, then his birthday would be 11.11.11 - which would be ridiculously cool. Just think how easy it would be to fill out forms!
Happy Halloween! We'll be posting pictures of our evening to come in the next few days!
- Mama, out.
October 31, 2011
October 12, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
I absolutely love the way holidays bring families together. How many times during the year will you have 6 people from one family, brought together from 3 different cities, cooking in one kitchen to make a dinner that they will eventually all sit down and eat together? These are the things Thanksgiving is good for.

Yes, holidays are wonderful for bringing people together. But you know what else is? BABIES.

Babies can draw their families in around them faster than the smell of turkey can draw people to the kitchen table. And when distance creates a boundary, there's always Skype to blur geographical lines.
Jacey, meet Aunt Jenna. Jenna, meet niece Jacey.

As you can see, we had a wonderful weekend in Lethbridge.

Here's a riddle. What do you get when you put 3 chiropractors and an RMT in one house for 3 days? Since a picture is worth 1000 words, here are 6000 words worth of pictures.

There were many fun adventures this past weekend, including a trip to Coulee Labradoodles. If there was anything cute enough to give babies a run for their money, it would be puppies. And I must say, these puppies are among the cutest I've seen.

Our Kali even got to reunite with one of her puppies, Lily. Lily was a tad larger then she was when she and Kali last were together!

Kali obliged in playful games for a good long while, but eventually pulled herself out of the game and watched from the bench like the old 2 year old she is.

I know her name is Lily, but I am absolutely convinced that Kali's puppy is Livewire at heart. What a handful!


Lastly, if any of you have never done a corn maze - I highly recommend it. Especially in the dark. I'm really hoping it becomes part of a Thanksgiving tradition!

We hope everyone's Thanksgiving was as wonderful as ours. Enjoy the leftovers!
- Mama, out.
Yes, holidays are wonderful for bringing people together. But you know what else is? BABIES.
Babies can draw their families in around them faster than the smell of turkey can draw people to the kitchen table. And when distance creates a boundary, there's always Skype to blur geographical lines.
Jacey, meet Aunt Jenna. Jenna, meet niece Jacey.
As you can see, we had a wonderful weekend in Lethbridge.
Here's a riddle. What do you get when you put 3 chiropractors and an RMT in one house for 3 days? Since a picture is worth 1000 words, here are 6000 words worth of pictures.
There were many fun adventures this past weekend, including a trip to Coulee Labradoodles. If there was anything cute enough to give babies a run for their money, it would be puppies. And I must say, these puppies are among the cutest I've seen.
Our Kali even got to reunite with one of her puppies, Lily. Lily was a tad larger then she was when she and Kali last were together!
Kali obliged in playful games for a good long while, but eventually pulled herself out of the game and watched from the bench like the old 2 year old she is.
I know her name is Lily, but I am absolutely convinced that Kali's puppy is Livewire at heart. What a handful!
Lastly, if any of you have never done a corn maze - I highly recommend it. Especially in the dark. I'm really hoping it becomes part of a Thanksgiving tradition!
We hope everyone's Thanksgiving was as wonderful as ours. Enjoy the leftovers!
- Mama, out.
October 4, 2011
Wonderful Weekends
Lately, we really have had some wonderful weekends. Weather has been fantastic, and although I had to turn the heat on in my car this morning for the first time since last winter I'm hoping these sunny days will hold up.
This weekend, we drove up to Lethbridge for a wee family visit. Let me tell you...neither of us can get enough of our new niece, Jacey. I've never considered myself a "baby person", but this little lady is something pretty special!

I seriously could have stared at that little face all day.

We left Lethbridge Sunday morning to fish on the way home. Not sure how much longer my belly is going to fit into those waders. It was a TIGHT squeeze this time around.

Mitch makes holding fish look like the easiest thing in the world. They just sit there, patiently waiting in his hands to have a photo taken. With me on the otherhand, it is a constant battle to make them stay still. They squirm, they jump, or they escape through unnoticed holes in the net. Look at this fish - it's practically smiling for him.

I honestly feel like SUCH a kid scooping my fish out of the net. It's like opening a box on Christmas morning! As a side note, Kali showed up in EVERY picture Mitch took of me with a fish that day. Girl was all over this fishing thing.

At the end of the day we rewarded her excellent behaviour by indulging in her all time favourite activity.

It's weekends like this I can't imagine living anywhere but Alberta.

As for baby updates, we are 33 weeks on Wednesday and everything is great! Had an appointment with the midwife yesterday that went really well. Baby is still head down and kicking like crazy. It's hard to believe I only have just over 5 weeks left of work! Besides having to wake up to pee/roll over a million times a night and looking like an idiot when I need to bend down and pick things up off the ground, I'm relatively comfortable (which I attribute 95% to my amazing chiropractor, and 5% to a problem free pregnancy thus far - knock on wood).
I hope everyone had as wonderful of a weekend as we did!
- Mama, out.
This weekend, we drove up to Lethbridge for a wee family visit. Let me tell you...neither of us can get enough of our new niece, Jacey. I've never considered myself a "baby person", but this little lady is something pretty special!
I seriously could have stared at that little face all day.
We left Lethbridge Sunday morning to fish on the way home. Not sure how much longer my belly is going to fit into those waders. It was a TIGHT squeeze this time around.
Mitch makes holding fish look like the easiest thing in the world. They just sit there, patiently waiting in his hands to have a photo taken. With me on the otherhand, it is a constant battle to make them stay still. They squirm, they jump, or they escape through unnoticed holes in the net. Look at this fish - it's practically smiling for him.
I honestly feel like SUCH a kid scooping my fish out of the net. It's like opening a box on Christmas morning! As a side note, Kali showed up in EVERY picture Mitch took of me with a fish that day. Girl was all over this fishing thing.
At the end of the day we rewarded her excellent behaviour by indulging in her all time favourite activity.
It's weekends like this I can't imagine living anywhere but Alberta.
As for baby updates, we are 33 weeks on Wednesday and everything is great! Had an appointment with the midwife yesterday that went really well. Baby is still head down and kicking like crazy. It's hard to believe I only have just over 5 weeks left of work! Besides having to wake up to pee/roll over a million times a night and looking like an idiot when I need to bend down and pick things up off the ground, I'm relatively comfortable (which I attribute 95% to my amazing chiropractor, and 5% to a problem free pregnancy thus far - knock on wood).
I hope everyone had as wonderful of a weekend as we did!
- Mama, out.
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