June 24, 2011

It's Official!

For any woman out there who's been lucky enough to have a baby with the love of her life, you'll know the look I'm talking about.  It's a look during the ultrasound that your man makes when they see your baby up on the screen.  Because they're the only one that can see the screen during the exam, their face is the sole focus for you.  You're searching it for emotion the entire time.  Searching it to know the baby's heart is beating, that it has two legs, 10 fingers, and didn't get your grandmother's nose.  But the look that distracts you, calms you down and centers you is one of pure wonderment and love he has for that little person.  He is speechless, and when you ask what is going on, all he can do is shake his head and smile.

During my whole pregnancy I've been pretty sure we were having a boy.  Can't explain why - just thought so.  However, my dear Mitchell was convinced it was a girl.  We constantly fought over boy names (sorry Mitch...but River is vetoed.  I get it....you like to fish), but had a beautiful girl name we both loved locked in.  I loved the way the name sounded when he said it, and couldn't stop picturing a little girl with long, dark, tangled, unkept hair like her Mama's.  I kept picturing this beautiful little girl, but quietly knew my little man was cookin' in there.

About halfway through the ultrasound, my gut feeling was confirmed.  I'd known the whole pregnancy and even though I couldn't see the screen, I knew from the look on Mitch's face he had lost the bet and would be buying lunch in an hour or so.  Poor guy looked so disappointed.  Not sure if it was because he turned out to be wrong, or because there wouldn't be a daddy's girl on the other end of this journey. 

We didn't have that moment you picture having where you both start crying, the ultrasound technician joins in, and everyone is completely overjoyed - embracing the moment.  That didn't come just yet.  I was so excited, but Mitchell's disappointment had me a bit worried about him.

We left the appointment, got lunch and I dragged him to Baby Gap - the one place I knew in that moment would turn him around.  And sure enough, as soon as he held up a little onesie that said "I Love Daddy", the misty eyes I remembered from the first time he heard the heart beat were there....right there in the middle of Baby Gap.

And so, this Mama will be shopping for overalls instead of tutus, watching The Lion King instead of The Little Mermaid, and will one day be paying an obscene amount of money in car insurance so her son can drive his 17th birthday present to school and back.......and I couldn't be more excited.

Honestly, I'd rather build a fort than have a tea party ANY day.  And as for Mitch, well he's already ordered a fly fishing bib for his new fishing buddy.

              - Mama, out.


  1. Girls like 'the Lion King' too. Just sayin'!!
    Beautiful post. I'm excited to follow your journey and witness (from afar) the learnings and moments of growth over the course of your pregnancy and of course, parenthood.

    love! love! love!

  2. David loves the bib!! It has just confirmed that we are dating similar men ;)

    Love ya!!!
    JLG xo
