June 19, 2011

On Hypnobirthing

A couple of months ago, Mitchell and I decided to use hypnobirthing as the center of our birthing plan.  I understand this may seem odd to many of you (particularly when coming from the same person who brought you "Paige Rage") and I'll admit that even I thought I would be the woman demanding an epidural at the first sign of labour. However, when I did the research and spoke to a friend who had done hypnobirthing just a few months prior, we were signed up for the classes in no time.

The same friend who had just experienced a very successful, pain free, natural hypnobirth a few months ago told me the other day that one of the best parts of her hypnobirthing classes was a meditative reading in which you made the choice of how your labour would feel, and how long it would take.  She said, that she had decided all she would feel was pressure (instead of pain), and that was exactly what happened.

So when we arrived to our final class, I specifically asked our instructor about this "miracle, God sent, too good to be true, meditative script that ensured a pain free delivery".  She said we would be doing a hypnosis later on in the day to that effect.

Now, we usually go under hypnosis  roughly 4 times during a day with the instructor.  The second time that day after we had been brought out of our hypnotic state, we walked out of the hypnosis room and back to classroom.  At that point Mitchell turned to me and asked
"How did you choose to feel your labour?"  I looked at him with a huge question mark plastered across my forehead.  "You know - Pain? Pressure?" he continued.
"Oh yes", I replied with an obvious pause..."pressure?"
"And how long did you decide for your labour to be?" he said.
"Two hours?"  (question mark plastered once more on my forehead....)

The truth is, I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, and had ZERO recollection of either of these questions being asked.  When we sat down to watch a couple more videos, I nervously asked the instructor if the script she had just read was available in our book for Mitchell to read to me.

"Nope" she replied. "That one's ALL MINE!"

GREATTTTTTT......the one thing I wanted to go over, THE ONE thing I even ASKED to do, the one thing I DEMANDED she do with us.......and I missed it!

I confessed to Mitchell in the car on the way home that I couldn't remember any of what had gone on during that hypnosis, and he attempted to fill me in on what I had "missed".  Well it was ALL NEWS TO ME!

The next day I spoke to my hypnobirthing friend who said that it was a really good sign I couldn't remember it, because it means I was really deep into my hypnosis, and made the decision subconciously.  Well...since I have NO IDEA what decision I made, I'm just hoping I wasn't so dumb as to subconsiously decide to feel pain!

I guess I'm not surprised though.  During my "Rainbow Relaxation" hypnosis (photo below), I wasn't aware and had no recollection of it having anything to do with the colours of the rainbow (which is apparently what the HOUR LONG script talks about).  Turns out I'm super good at hypnosis y'all!  Pain free, natural childbirth HERE I COME!

                  - Mama, out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paigey,

    You might want to check out Birthing From Within because that book has really good perspectives on pain.

    It warns against "planning" too much or planning to feel no pain because then if you do end up feeling pain it might trigger you into feel freaked out, out of control, or as though you are doing something wrong. Alternatively, by building the belief that however your birth experience unfolds you will have the strength to handle it, you will be better able to roll with the rushes/contractions in the moment.
