August 6, 2011

On Staring

If there's one thing I've noticed about being pregnant (besides getting fat), it's that there is a common thread among all of us - to stare at baby bumps.

Little girls stare because they can't imagine something actually growing in your belly.

Pregnant ladies stare because they know what you're going through.

Moms with kids stare because they know what you're in for.

Men stare because they have weird fetishes.

Friends stare because they can't get over how birth control is not 100% effective.

But my favourite?  The couples you pass walking down the street holding hands.  The woman is thinking "one day", and her boyfriend is thinking "hell no".  That one is by far my favourite.

            - Mama, out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paige, I am so enjoying your blog.
    I agree with all of the above but would add one more...wish I had had more : )
    Be well xoxo Delaine
    ps if you ever need a babysitter!
