August 21, 2011

A Perfect Fit

At the beginning,  I had a lot of friends ask me, "What is so different about your relationship with Mitch?".

There really is no one answer to this, because Mitchell is unlike anybody I've ever met.

But I think when it comes down to it, I know he's meant for me because we fit into each others lives so effortlessly.  He's my absolute best friend.

I've never been a huge "go - outer".  Most of my friends would agree that I'm a total homebody they need to hunt down and drag out if they want to see me.  I don't really ever drink, and the last place I'd want to be on a Saturday night is at a bar.  The miraculous thing, is that I found someone as content to stay home on a Saturday night as I am.

We both know the house won't always be this quiet.  One day soon there will be a baby crying, a toddler coming into our room after a bad dream, and a teenager yelling at us because we asked him to stay home and play scrabble with his lame parents instead of going to a party for the third weekend in a row.

So, we enjoyed the quiet, and each others company.  Mitchell was a good sport - cause he totally got....

I don't lose at Scrabble.

 The sun went down, and what better to follow a game of scrabble than a campfire?  Sure, we felt a little white trash sitting in folding lawn chairs next to a fire in a bowl, but whatever.  C'est la vie!  Happy weekend everyone.

                - Mama, out.

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